Saturday, January 8, 2011


New year, new you! Isn't that how it is supposed to be every year? 31st of december coming closer, people rushing to find a New Year Resolution, promising themselves they will give up some bad habit and catch a good one instead.. Yeap, I've done it tons of times as well, but never really meaning it I guess. But this time's for real! At least, one week after I took it, my resolution is still up (and for those who know me for real, you'll know it means a whole lot!). So, wanna know what it's about?

Only one resolution, that will nevertheless imply other actions to go along with it:
Taking one picture every day starting Jan, 1st and ending Dec,31st.
The pictures will be uploaded on the blog time permitting, even if I will try to do it once a week.
The rule says that pictures taken on the same day can be uploaded anyway, but are valid only for that date. Exemptions to take pictures should be extremely limited!!!

What does it take to complete a target?
Clear target: we all know that the more specific a target is, the more chaces you'll have to complete it ("losing 5kg" is easier that a generic "losing weight")
Time limit: you need to set a limit of time so that you know you have to struggle just to a certain point!
Making it public: this is where I need your help! Apparently, with an audience following your steps you are less likely to give up, just because you feel responsible for those people (or ashamed in case you give up??).
So here's the deal: the more people I'll have following and commenting my efforts, the more chances I'll have to complete my target!! Now you have shared responsibility on my succeding as well.. so keep me going!


Marco said...

I don't want to be one of the causes of your failure (for this year, it's enough being the cause of my ones). So don't stop with your pictures!

Bezdomnyi said...

he he )) grazie marchino!

g. said...

love your resolution for 2011! why don't you come and take some pictures in trentino? what about next week-end?
let's keep it in january anyway...