Saturday, January 8, 2011


With only one hour and a half of time before having to head to the airport (at the time I still didn't know I was speding a night more in Lisbon), I just went down to the centre and found the perfect spot for pictures at the little beach by the square. Lovely morning, plenty of people - not only tourists - wandering around (even found a man who gave me a guided tour of the centre, sharing plenty of stuff on the capital), and myself kneeling on the sand and playing with objects found on the beach, sticks, tiles, bottles of champagne...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Anna! You are a great photographer!!!!One day I might steal some picture of yours to use in one of my crafty projects, or to decorate my house!

Original resolution....keep going.

Hope to see you soon

Chiara Zordan