Saturday, January 8, 2011


I must admit, once I am home this is a very difficult task to follow.. when you don't have so many stimulationg images in front of you, you might end up snapping a random picture just before jumping in your pijama... that's what happend here, but to turn it a little more interesting I'll tell you a bit on what's hanging on my wall. From left to right you find:
1- little canvas bought in Salvador de Bahia, Brazil, the first time I visited the country.. unforgettable memories of the craziest trip ever, shared with my best friend and irmozinha Jessica!
2- hand-carved horn bought in Temuco, Chile, in second craziest trip I had, through South America again, but in company of Silvia and her friends Tania and Hugo.
3- hanging from the horn you can see some hair-decorations (they are used to end your braids) typical of Bolivia and some parts of peru, bought them on lake Titicaca, on the Islas de los Uros (floating islands, you know everything about them right?). Interesting for you to know, dark colors are worn by married women, bright colors by girls looking for husbands (didn't know this at the time I bought them, but turned out to be the right choice!)
4- flute bought in La Paz, Bolivia.
5- typical Bolivian male hat, bought in Potosi, Bolivia, original (meaning to say it was not a souvenir hat but a real one).


G Kh said...

Enjoying your pictures a lot! Good luck with your NY resolution.
Hugs from London,

(if you remember me, we've met through AEGEE-Moscow some years ago)

Bezdomnyi said...

thanks galiya!! of course i remember medovuha and the crazy maslenica in moskva )

g. said...

we want more! :-)