Saturday, January 8, 2011


This is the opening picture of the project, taken day 31st Dec at Frankfurt airport. I was flying to Lisbon for New Year's Eve, but there was an over-booking: I had to take the plane flying through Frankfurt and arrive in Lisbon at 8.00 in the evening, quite late since we then had to go to a place 2 hrs from the capital! Glad to say we made it on time before midnight, and with my greatest pleasure once I got back I was even refounded for having the flight changed!
Among the many surprises that Tap gave me for the new year (my flight back was also a little messy, but I really appreciated the extra time I spent in Portugal!), I found myself with a little time for thinking and came up with the great idea of my New Year's Resolution. In the picture you can spot my original plan written on a cardboard, of course killing-time magazines (what else but picture magazines?) and little items that kept me company for those hours (still afraid I might get stuck at the airport because of the snow!). And in the background you might be able to spot one of the Lufthansa planes.

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