Saturday, January 8, 2011


Bagaça is the new word I learnt in Portuguese! It's the national strong alcoholic drink, equivalent to vodka for Russian and Polish, to aquavit for the Scandinavian countries, to cachaça for Brazil, and to grappa for Italians. Apparently, asking for bagaça is not very "in" for young people, that's why people normally don't drink it. But our brave Tania asked for one when everyone esle was having coffee (first time we could actually get out of the house after the previous night party), and starting playing with it. So here's the recepie:
you drink your coffee and leave but a tiny sip in the cup;
you pour in the bagaça and add lots of sugar in it;
you start burning the sugar out until it is all melted;
you drink your lovely sweetened bagaça (which anyway smells as pure alcohol)!


Anonymous said...

Pero esto antes o después de tu café matutino???
Muy chulo. Gracias por mandarme el enlace.
Te sigo leyendo.
Un beso desde Paris,

Os viajantes said...

Olá Anna!! Gostámos muito de ver a fotografia do 1º de Janeiro de 2011. Obrigado por divulgares a grande bebida nacional, o bagaço. Já agora, o nome desta bebida feita à base de bagaço é "queimadinha".

Esperamos que continues no teu projecto "1 foto por dia", vamos-te acompanhando.

E se antes não for...até Agosto na Noruega!!

Tania e Hugo (Xuxus)