Tuesday, April 15, 2008


sooo... here goes my last (hopefully not least) effort to keep up to date all the nice friends spread around our little planet! plenty of news to share with you, but i'll just sum up the situation: next week i'm leaving again - finally i should say, since i've been stuck in italy for almost a year by now! don't even remember last time i was home for so long! my new destination: sailing to baltic sea, working on board a cruise ship... copenhagen, tallin, piter, helsinki, stockholm, norway... that kind of places, if you're too lazy to open up the atlas :P i'm pretty excited about life on board, now i'm officially classified as maritime worker: that means i've got to know all stuff about emergency disembark, man at sea, first aid procedures and fire fighting techniques - pretty exciting!! anyway, new travel, new life, new site: that's way i'm starting this blog. i hope i'll be able to keep it updated, but you'll have to help me with that: add your comments please!

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