Tuesday, April 22, 2008

amor é prosa sexo é poesia

Amor é um livro, sexo é esporte Sexo é escolha, amor é sorte Amor é pensamento, teorema Amor é novela, sexo é cinema Sexo é imaginaçao, fantasia Amor é prosa, sexo é poesia Rita Lee, Roberto Carvalho e Arnaldo Jabor

Saturday, April 19, 2008

keep dreaming about ukraine...

less than a week away from embarking, but looks like my mind is still busy somewhere else... last night i found myself wandering around the polish cemetery in lviv and flying over the friendship monument in kiev.. after taking long steps up to st.andrew's cathedral i somehow ended up in a sideway leading to the carphatians.. there was a man hiking with a wolf, a skinny long-legged wolf.. i followed him for a while and then wandered alone in the woods, finally finding a group of guys around the fire.. and there i went off with the only 2 ukranian things i know: privit! mene zvati anja! yeah, ukraine has been hunting my dreams for the last 2 years.. or maybe since i ever enter that country.. what's so special about it? i don't know.. but sometimes i think the country is kinda calling me, as if it reminding me that there's something waiting for me there.. and i feel that i shouldn't delay my visit much more, that possible future might not wait long.. but still i choose a job that's taking me to distant seas.. and in the morning i wake up sweating, feeling it's late and i've gotta go there.. BLIN!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008


you all know my home page by now, but here's the link anyway: http://bezdomnyi.googlepages.com


i forgot to tell you the places you can find me at for the next months.. It'll be good to meet you if you have spare time! so here's a list: places i'll pass by soon, only in certain days: NAPOLI 02/05, 07/05, MALAGA 10/05, LISBOA 12/05, AMSTERDAM 16/05 places i'll visit more often, from may to september: TALLIN, on tuesdays; ST.PETERSBOURG, on wednesdays; HELSINKI, on thursdays; STOCKHOLM, on fridays; COPENHAGEN, every sunday; OLSO, on saturdays just check your schedule and plan a visit )) !

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


if you want to check where i am, just follow the itinerary of the ship called "costa mediterranea" at this site: http://www.costacrociere.it/B2C/I/WebCam/webcam.htm just click on the ship and it'll give you the exact position of little anita ) !


sooo... here goes my last (hopefully not least) effort to keep up to date all the nice friends spread around our little planet! plenty of news to share with you, but i'll just sum up the situation: next week i'm leaving again - finally i should say, since i've been stuck in italy for almost a year by now! don't even remember last time i was home for so long! my new destination: sailing to baltic sea, working on board a cruise ship... copenhagen, tallin, piter, helsinki, stockholm, norway... that kind of places, if you're too lazy to open up the atlas :P i'm pretty excited about life on board, now i'm officially classified as maritime worker: that means i've got to know all stuff about emergency disembark, man at sea, first aid procedures and fire fighting techniques - pretty exciting!! anyway, new travel, new life, new site: that's way i'm starting this blog. i hope i'll be able to keep it updated, but you'll have to help me with that: add your comments please!